Why should I use Atlantıs Center Pıvot & Lınear Irrıgatıon Systems for Irrıgatıon?
Atlantis Center Pivot & Linear Irrigation Systems allow you to irrigate your field evenly by using water more efficiently than other irrigation methods, and to carry out your operations such as fertilizing and spraying in a more practical and time-saving manner.
What ıs the Usage Perıod of Atlantıs Center Pıvot & Lınear Irrıgatıon Systems?
The life span of Atlantis Center Pivot & Linear Irrigation Systems is between 20 and 30 years. Other irrigation systems have a shorter lifespan and require replacement.
What ıs the Land suıtabılıty of Atlantıs Center Pıvot & Lınear Irrıgatıon Systems?
Atlantis Center Pivot & Linear Irrigation Systems' are compatible with all terrain conditions, including sloping lands. Our systems are designed according to the characteristics and size of your land. Our Technical Service performs the installation.
Are there support and grant programs for Atlantıs Center Pıvot & Lınear Irrıgatıon Systems?
Yes, there are State support programs opened in certain periods of the year and Ziraat Bank's '7 Years - 0 Interest' loan, which is specific to domestic production.
When I Purchase Atlantıs Center Pıvot & Lınear Irrıgatıon Systems, ıs the product ınstalled and assembled ın the fıeld?
Yes, for the Atlantis Center Pivot & Linear Irrigation Systems you purchased, our Technical Service performs the installation and assembly.
Do you own the productıon of Atlantıs Center Pıvot & Lınear Irrıgatıon Systems?
Yes, Atlantis Center Pivot & Linear Irrigation Systems started the first and only domestic production in Turkey in 1998. Our products are 100% Turkish and Domestic Production.
Do you sell Atlantıs Center Pıvot & Lınear Irrıgatıon Systems to other countrıes besıdes Turkey?
Yes, Atlantis Center Pivot & Linear Irrigation Systems are happily used by manufacturers in 35 countries.
Are Atlantıs Center Pıvot & Lınear Irrıgatıon Systems Complıant wıth Internatıonal Standards?
Atlantis Center Pivot & Linear Irrigation Systems are manufactured from ISO and CE certified quality materials in accordance with international standards.
Do you have technıcal servıce for the solutıon of malfunctıons that may occur ın the system after the ınstallatıon of Atlantıs Center Pıvot & Lınear Irrıgatıon Systems?
Yes, our technical service, which provides 24/7 service in case of malfunctions that may occur in Atlantis Center Pivot & Linear Irrigation Systems, will solve the problem as soon as possible.

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